David Olaniyi Oyedepo, the Bishop of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, commonly known as Winners Chapel, expressed that his life would have been filled with extreme unhappiness if Matthew 6:33 had not been proven true in his personal experiences.


During the monthly leadership summit of the church on June 3, Bishop Oyedepo emphasized the importance of prioritizing God and His kingdom to experience the remarkable blessings of the mid-year seasons. He conveyed, "This is the time when the sons of God manifest. We hold the world's final hope. If Matthew 6:33 were not a reality, I would undoubtedly be among the most unhappy individuals on the planet today. Gathering spiritual fruits ensures our security. It is a season of extraordinary growth for the church, driven by supernatural forces."

One cannot effectively fulfill the role of a fruitful steward without humbling oneself. Throughout my life, I have never prayed specifically for material possessions such as houses or cars, yet I have never experienced lack. Engaging in responsible stewardship provokes the irreversible blessings of God.


The religious leader encouraged believers to embrace and benefit from the extraordinary occurrences of the present season, remarking that progress requires taking proactive measures. He further requested prayers for the ability to initiate appropriate actions.

He posed the question, "What changes should the church implement to fully capitalize on the possibilities presented during the Wonder Season?"


One solution is to establish a covenant through sacrificial acts, as a covenant forged in sacrifice consistently stimulates divine intervention. Additionally, it is essential to set a specific schedule for prayer on the altar, thus defining its timing and importance.

During the announcement of June 5 to July 31 as the designated Season of Glory, Bishop Oyedepo proclaimed that it would be a period characterized by a fervent revival fire spreading across various cities.






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