Olusola Adekanola, a scholar, has emphasized the importance of alumni associations in raising the levels of greatness and excellence. Furthermore, he provided guidance to Nigerians, encouraging them to plan for their retirement and be mindful of their lifestyles.


Adekanola, the guest speaker at Kwara State Polytechnic's 50th Anniversary, delivered a speech titled "The Post Retirement Lifestyle and Investment Options: A Supplement for Alumni Associations in Enhancing Greatness and Excellence." In his address, he encouraged Kwara Poly alumni to make prudent investments in personal growth and businesses. He emphasized that relying on the government as an excuse for their lack of success would not lead them to achieve greatness.


Avoid justifying mediocrity; instead, embrace the belief in success. Cease complaining and alleviating the burden of failure. Engage in reading biographies of immensely wealthy and accomplished individuals. Utilize their stories for inspiration, to acquire specific success strategies, and most importantly, to adopt their mindset.


He further advised, "Take action despite your fears. Waiting for fear to dissipate before acting is a common and significant mistake made by many. Unfortunately, such individuals often end up waiting indefinitely. Be unstoppable."

If alumni members can take appropriate action, the post-retirement lifestyle and investment options could serve as a supplement for alumni associations to elevate the standards of greatness and excellence.


After retirement, the average person typically has around 20 years of life ahead—ample time to accomplish remarkable feats, participate in marathons, mentor numerous young individuals, or simply appreciate the joys of leisure. It is a period for embracing the beauty of spending time with grandchildren or rekindling the romance in long-standing relationships. For those of us who are retired, as we relish this new chapter in life, I strongly encourage us to seize the opportunity and take action now," he concluded.




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