Prof. Habibat Isah, the Federal Commissioner of the National Population Commission in Kogi State, has guaranteed that the commission's server, which will be utilized for the population and housing census on May 3-5, cannot be breached by anyone. She disclosed that hackers had made numerous attempts to undermine the NPC server, but none of them have been successful. Despite the spread of misinformation and rumors, the NPC server has remained impregnable, and the commission will continue to work tirelessly to ensure the success of the program.

During a press conference in Lokoja on Tuesday, tagged "Journey So Far," the don stated that the NPC is a quick study and has learnt from the Independent National Electoral Commission's experience in the last election. He added that the commission has implemented additional security measures that even their staff members cannot bypass.

According to Isah, safeguarding the server from hacking is critical because it is one of the essential components of the census. He also highlighted that the census will be carried out using Android devices instead of traditional pen and paper. This means that data collected will be sent directly to the server once it is acquired. In addition to the measures taken against hackers and intruders, the commission has provided training sessions for various stakeholders, including the Federal Commissioners.

The Federal Commissioners were recently trained in Port Harcourt, while state directors and other officials are currently undergoing ongoing training, according to the commission. The commission emphasized that the upcoming census would be a crucial tool for national planning and stressed that a serious government should not trivialize the importance of the population and housing census. Instead, such a government should prioritize it as a matter of great significance.

The commissioner also gave an assurance to Kogi's residents and citizens that the census would be conducted transparently, and dismissed concerns about figures being manipulated. He explained that no area of the state would be overlooked since the commission had obtained speed boats to reach places such as Ibaji and Bassa LGs that are surrounded by water. Furthermore, he disclosed that potentially divisive issues such as religion, language, and ethnicity had been removed from the templates due to the conflicts and clashes associated with them in certain parts of the country.

According to Isah, the leadership of the NPC plans to hold a meeting with the Federal Government during the Federal Executive Council meeting to update the executive arm of the government on the commission's level of readiness. 


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