As the removal of fuel subsidy raises concerns among Nigerians, anxiety intensifies over coping with the elevated fuel prices. The repercussions are anticipated to affect various sectors, with the impact already evident in increased transportation fares within urban areas of the nation.

To optimize fuel savings and minimize transportation expenses, here are five strategies for survival:


1. Optimize Engine Usage: Implement prudent practices such as minimizing idling time, utilizing cruise control, and engaging overdrive gears to maximize fuel efficiency.

2. Maintain and Ensure Smooth Performance of Your Vehicle: In these times, it is crucial to be diligent about the condition of your car. Conduct regular inspections, such as cleaning air filters, maintaining proper tire inflation, and monitoring oil quality, to prevent unnecessary fuel expenses.

3. Carpool with Co-workers on Shared Routes: If your colleagues commute to work using similar routes, consider carpooling with them to reduce transportation expenses.

4. Embrace Telecommuting: Explore the possibility of working remotely on certain days through an arrangement with your employer, enabling you to save on high transportation costs.

5. Relocate Near Your Workplace: Consider moving closer to your place of work to minimize transportation expenses, allowing you to either walk or have a short commute to your workplace.





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