Alex Eboh, an employee of FC Energy, a sand dredging company located in Ikorodu, Lagos State, drowned while performing his duties on Monday. The 25-year-old man reportedly slipped from a sand dredging vessel owned by the company and fell into the Ibeshe River.

Despite the efforts of the company's divers to rescue him, Alex Eboh, who hailed from Benue State, was unable to be saved as he had already passed away by the time assistance arrived. According to a source knowledgeable about the event, Eboh had been working offshore with some of his colleagues before being instructed to move to the shoreline. As he was departing from the sand dredging ship, he slipped and fell into the river.


An anonymous source, who was afraid of being victimized and preferred not to be identified, stated that "On Monday, Eboh was aboard one of the company's drilling ships on the Ibeshe River in Ikorodu. We heard that he was sent from the drilling ship back to shore and as he was trying to leave the vessel, he fell into the river. Unfortunately, he drowned before assistance could arrive. What made the situation even more tragic was that he wasn't wearing any safety gear, such as a life jacket or a safety suit, which caused him to sink as soon as he fell into the water."


According to a different source, the occurrence could have been avoided if the management of the company had implemented appropriate safety protocols. The company's spokesperson, Nathaniel Ogidi, on Thursday, stated that as soon as Eboh fell into the river, the company's divers attempted to rescue him, but their efforts were unfortunately too late.

In Ogidi's words, "It was a sorrowful and regrettable incident for everyone involved. As per the report I received, Eboh was attempting to alight from the vessel when he slipped and fell into the river. Our divers quickly went to his aid, but unfortunately, we were unable to save him. I want to assure you that our company adheres to the highest international standards. We provide life jackets for all our staff on ships. From what I heard, Eboh was only trying to disembark when the accident occurred. Following the event, we immediately informed the nearby Ipakodo Police Station."

"The issue was not brought to our attention, but we will look into it," replied SP Benjamin Hundeyin, the spokesperson for the Lagos State Police Command, upon being contacted.




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