Professor Emmanuel Osodeke, the President of the Academic Union of Universities ASUU, has said that the Federal Government should have used the $23 million Abacha loot to meet the demands of the striking lecturers.

Recurring, ASUU has been on strike since February 14, this year. The striking lecturers are seeking improved welfare, revitalization of public universities, and academic autonomy among other demands.

The most important of them all is the non-payment of university revitalization funds which amount to about N1.1 trillion. The Federal Government has however said it doesn't have the money to pay such an amount, stating low oil prices during Muhammad Buhari regime.

In a interview with the Channel TV, Osodeke advised the Federal government to be sincere and meet the demands of the Board with the $23 million.

Sodoeke words, "Let us take a typical man. You have a house and your child is seriously sick and you were paid money that you were not expecting, where would you put the money? That child will be the first thing you will treat. Is it not? Before you start thinking of how you are going to buy clothes.

Your universities have been shut for six months. You said no funds. Now a fund you were not expecting came. Where should you if you really love education put the money? But you are seeing how the country is going. And you say you don't have money.''


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