On Monday, a Munich district court in southern Germany sentenced a 27-year-old male nurse, known as Mario G., to life imprisonment for deliberately administering unprescribed drugs to two patients, resulting in their death. This was done so that he could be "left in peace". In addition, Mario G. was convicted on six counts of attempted murder.
In his trial, Mario G. confessed to administering sedatives and other combinations of drugs to patients while working in the recovery room of a Munich hospital. Mario G. admitted to the court, "I wanted to be left in peace."
In November 2020, three attempts were made to target the German intellectual and writer Hans Magnus Enzensberger, but he survived the attacks.
At the age of 93, Enzensberger passed away two years later due to natural causes. The victims who lost their lives as a result of Mario G.'s actions were aged 80 and 89. Prosecutors stated that Mario G. administered drugs because he wanted to be left alone during his shifts, which he often worked while hungover. This case is reminiscent of the infamous German nurse Niels Hoegel, who was convicted in 2019 for murdering 85 patients under his care. Hoegel, Germany's most prolific serial killer, used lethal injections on his victims between 2000 and 2005 until he was eventually caught in the act.
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