The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on Thursday declared its readiness for peaceful engagement with the Federal Government.

The group’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, who disclosed this in a statement, however, said the federal government must show a positive disposition towards dialogue between the two parties.

He added that the IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu, did not ask anybody in the group to relax their agitation for the Republic of Biafra but advised the members to embrace peace.

The statement read: “We are ready for peace if they need our peace. Because IPOB is a peaceful non-violent movement, our doors are open for meaningful and sincere peaceful engagement with other nationalities in Nigeria and even with the Federal Government if they are ready for such peaceful engagement.

"We are human beings and cannot jeopardise our honour and respect before the international community. But before we enter into any peaceful engagement with Nigeria, Nigeria must show us that it is favourably disposed towards peace.

IPOB is ready for peace if Nigeria is out for peace, but so far, Nigeria has only proved it is out for violence. But no matter how much they persecute us, the Nigerian security agents cannot break our resolve to get the Biafra people liberated.

"Let us put the records straight as regards the laughable deliberate attempt to misrepresent the message of our leader to the IPOB family members. The fallacious reports in some national dailies that our great leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has asked IPOB members to embrace peace with Nigeria is another attempt by our enemies to sow seed of disunity in our midst.

“They think they can report the messenger out of context and possibly cause disaffection in the IPOB family but that antics can no longer work.

“We are surprised at the mischievous twisting of a clear message from our leader by the enemies of the struggle. Their aim is to create confusion and cause disaffection in the IPOB family but they came too late.

“We therefore, want to put the record straight: What our leader said was that IPOB members should ensure continued peace in the movement.

"Nnamdi Kanu never called for anybody to relax but advised family members worldwide to embrace peace within the family. We are ready for peace if they need our peace. Those traitors trying to create confusion in the family should be careful.”


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