Deborah a two hundred level female student of Shehu Shagari College of Education who was reported killed, according to report, two of the suspects have been apprehended


According to report from the police, the late Deborah was accused of making a post on social media blaspheming Prophet Muhammad (SAW)


As reported by the police, the mob forcefully removed the deceased from security room where she was hidden by the school authorities, they killed her and burnt the building 


It was also confirm through numerous videos on social media showing the mob stoning and beating a lifeless body all in red attire


Some other footage clearly shows the face of a man looking into the camera and claiming he killed and burnt Deborah 


The police spokesperson Sanusi Abubakar have promised to bring the suspect in the viral video on Twitter to law once his apprehended 


Sanusi Abubakar also said the school have been put on halt while additional police personnel were also deployed to the area for


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