The Founder of the Living Faith church, Bishop David Oyedepo has heaped praises on the Catholic Church for setting up what he describes as an ‘organized structure’ to run the church.

Noting that many people run the church like a shop where they ‘make sales on Sunday, spend it during the week, and then come back the next market day’, the popular cleric commended the Catholic church for doing an extremely good job in terms of its structure.

He stated that it is only in the Catholic church that one can sit down and pull out materials of 50-60 years ago, in its original form from.

He added that the Catholic Church has the most organized structure on earth as they still have access to materials dating back to hundreds of years ago.

In his words: “In my own view, the Catholic has done a good job in terms of structure. An extremely good job. Amazing good job. Where you can sit down and pull out materials of 50-60 years ago, in its original form. How many of us in ministry today can pull out materials from 10 years?

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