Craig David, the singer, discloses that he has abstained from sexual activity for a duration of one year following a series of "various traumas" arising from encounters of a casual nature.


Craig David, the renowned British singer and songwriter, recently opened up about his year-long celibacy, citing a range of traumas he experienced as a result of engaging in one-night stands. The 42-year-old artist, once recognized for his promiscuous lifestyle, acknowledged a significant personal transformation and currently embraces a romantic life devoid of any commitments.


Craig, who once boasted about his consecutive romantic encounters in his popular song "7 days," has now disclosed that he has refrained from engaging in intimate relationships with women for approximately a year.

During his earlier years, Craig had been engaged in multiple brief relationships but intentionally avoided pursuing anything substantial due to his fear of experiencing emotional pain similar to what he endured at the age of 16.

He explained, "I had never encountered such overwhelming emotions prior to that. It caused me to become guarded and distant."



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