Nollywood actor, Daniel K. Daniel, who was recently selected as a member of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science (OSCARS), speaks on his life as an actor.

Recently, the Enugu-born actor came home from the United States where he went to study acting and directing as well as shoot some movies.

In an interview, the actor spoke on his love life, coping as a married actor and more.

According to him, his encounters with female fan or admirer has been really tough.

Daniel's words, "Too many; from jumping on me in public to grabbing my ass, and some have even stolen kisses/pecks sometimes. Airports and malls are normally the craziest places when it comes to fan love. I never see any as crazy because they all come from a place of love, and I appreciate every single one of my fans. Without them, there is no me.”

Daniel also debunked the rumors of him having a baby mama. He also spoke on divorce arising in the life of Celebrities.

Daniel's reply, “I don’t do baby mamas. I am happily married with kids. I have no problem with divorce. If two adults, who conscientiously agreed to be together decide that they don’t want to be together anymore, it is only right that they go their separate ways instead of living in toxicity.”


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