Keyamo asserted that the U.S. was aware that Obi's supposed "message of religious war" made it impossible for him to win the election.

Keyamo, the spokesperson of the dissolved Tinubu presidential campaign council, responded to Obi's comments by asserting that the U.S. was aware that the candidate from the Labour Party had no chance of winning the election.


In response to Obi's post, where he was encouraged to abandon his "pretentious holier-than-thou attitude" that Keyamo believed was intended to appeal to the masses, the Minister expressed his thoughts in a tweet. Keyamo's tweet stated that there was clarity regarding the reasons behind the call from U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken to @officialABAT and their commitment to support and cooperate. Keyamo pointed out that Obi and his supporters had overestimated the impact of their post-election noise and tantrums on the international stage. He emphasized that these actions did not have the significant effect they had hoped for.


Regrettably, in your case, the United States has interacted with numerous opposition figures globally and possesses the expertise to distinguish between reality and falsehood.

They are well aware that you lost the election fairly and squarely. They understand that in a multifaceted society like Nigeria, you could not have emerged victorious with your divisive "religious war" rhetoric.



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