The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) claimed on Friday that Simon Ekpa, a self-acclaimed disciple of its detained leader, Nnamdi Kanu and his gang “Autopilots” were behind the enforcement of the sit-at-home order and killings in the South-East.

Ekpa was announced the lead broadcaster of Radio Biafra in July 2021.

He had since fallen out with the IPOB hierarchy over alleged gross misconduct.

The IPOB imposed a weekly sit-at-home order in the South-East last year in a bid to force the Federal Government to release Kanu, who is standing trial for an alleged treasonable felony at the Federal High Court, Abuja.

However, after the group cancelled the sit-at-home order in September 2021, reports of forceful and violent enforcement of the order by suspected thugs persisted in the region.

Despite attempts to clear its name from the violence in the South-East, fingers were still pointed at the group for a series of attacks on residents and security operatives in the region.

In a statement issued by its spokesman, Emma Powerful, IPOB insisted that enemies of the people were behind the killings in the zone.

The statement read: “We the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, wish to tell Governor Chukwuma Soludo of Anambra State that IPOB is not responsible for the criminality in South-East, including Anambra State.

“The Governor should know that our enemies are committing atrocities using our name in their desperation to blackmail IPOB.

It is a certain Simon Ekpa and his criminal gang called autopilots that are carrying out threats against people’s lives because of a non-existent Monday sit-at-home. They are criminals, kidnappers and robbers.

“These people disturbing the peace of our people are not IPOB members. They should be treated as criminals. IPOB doesn’t shed blood. We are a peaceful movement

We wish to reiterate once again that IPOB has cancelled Monday’s sit-at-home order and anybody or group enforcing the relaxed order is neither from IPOB nor from IPOB volunteer group. Any governor in the region who deemed it fit to stop the non-existent Monday sit-at-home order in the region is free to do so.

“Anyone caught adding to the pain of our people in the name of enforcing Monday’s sit-at-home order will be treated as the enemy that he or she is.

“Why should such unpatriotic elements be inflicting pain on our people and dragging our image to the mud? IPOB remains a non-violent movement and our peaceful approach for Biafra restoration has not changed.

The only day the sit-at-home will be observed in Biafraland is when our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is appearing in court, and we shall as usual make it public for all to know.

“We hereby direct community leaders, market leaders, church leaders, and other institutions of authority in Biafra land to arrest any hoodlum trying to enforce any sit-at-home on Mondays and hand them over to IPOB. Such criminal elements must be treated in a language they understand.”


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