Media personality, Nancy Adobea Anane aka Ms Nancy who was onboard the United Flight UA 977 posted a video clip of the development on her Instagram page.

According to her, Ansah-Addo made himself available when the pilot called for the assistance of a medical practitioner onboard the flight.

She disclosed that the baby was due in late February got was birthed before his time.

The video shows the joyful mother of the baby breastfeeding him.

Dr Ansah-Addo also waved at the camera while still wearing gloves, with his face beaming with a smile.

Story Read,

"Onboard @united Flight UA 977 today, a lovely baby boy was born.

“The baby Who was due late February decided to arrive 34,000 f above sea level.

“Dr Ansah-Addo a Ghanaian practising in the USA made himself available when the pilot called for the assistance of medical personnel on board.

“With assistance from the whole United crew, a bouncy baby boy was delivered 2hours to landing.

“The flight was met on arrival by paramedics upon landing at the Washington Dulles rnational airport.

The baby and his mother GG are currently under medical care,” Ms Nancy captioned the footage.



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